Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shoe Ministry

Last year when he was in Kenya, Angie's dad's heart was broken for all of the kids in the village who didn't have any shoes to call their own. Many children grow up and never even own one pair of shoes. Without shoes, parasitic diseases are easily contracted. With shoes, the diseases are easily preventable.

Over the past year, Edwin and Doris [Angie' parents] have provided shoes for about 150 kids. Here are some pictures from the shoe distribution that took place this month.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We're excited to announce that we have a matching donor for all donations to well #5! This means that every dollar you give will be doubled. Pretty cool, right??!!

Also, we received some new pictures from Kenya! Here is the future site of well #4. That's our friend, Jerry, giving the tour.

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