Friday, March 9, 2012

March to Surrender Encouragement

Ezekiel 14:6 - Therefore, say to the house of Israel: This is what the Lord GOD says: Repent and turn away from your idols; turn your faces away from all your detestable things.

We are over a week into this fast.  I’m sure by now you have all encountered difficulties and temptations in giving up your vices.  For me, I realized how easy it is to be controlled by our cravings and vices.  Enjoying these things isn’t necessarily wrong, but they have become like idols in our lives.

On Tuesday, Angie posted this …

Thought for the Day as we March to Surrender: God made us capable of craving so we'd have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only One capable of satisfying them. (taken from Craving God, A 21 Day Devotional Challenge)

My craving for soft drinks has been a crutch that I lean on instead of God.  For example, when I am stressed, I think I need a Dr. Pepper to relax.  Likewise when I am happy, I think I need a Dr. Pepper to help enjoy this great day.   Instead, I need to turn to God in times of stress or happiness or sadness or to deal with any emotion I face.  He is my strength and my salvation.  He deserves my honor and my praise.

Use this time to practicing turning to God when you are craving your vice.  Pray to restore your vices to their proper priority level.

Here’s a song to encourage you.

God Bless,

PS - Be sure to "like" our Hydration2Others fan page on facebook.

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