There are several ways to make a tax deductible donation to Hydration 2 Others! One hundred percent of donations (less Paypal fees, if applicable) go directly to the well fund.
MAIL: Make checks out to Celebration Baptist Church and write "Water Well" on the memo line. Send to:
Angie Robbs
4753 Jessica Dr NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
ONLINE: We have two online donation options.
1. Online directly to Celebration Baptist Church.
a. Go to Celebration Baptist Church and click on the e-giving link on the
top, right corner of the page.
b. Register with the e-giving site.
c. Select "make a transaction".
d. Enter your amount in the Korogocho Water Wells designated category.
Donations can be one time or set up as a recurring amount.
top, right corner of the page.
b. Register with the e-giving site.
c. Select "make a transaction".
d. Enter your amount in the Korogocho Water Wells designated category.
Donations can be one time or set up as a recurring amount.
2. Paypal, using the Donate button below.
*Tax deductible amount will be less Paypal fees.*
*Tax deductible amount will be less Paypal fees.*